Sunday, 12 January 2014


After receiving quite a few messages regarding what I can and can’t do since having my implant I thought I would give you a bit of a run down on my experiences.

Bearing in mind that I’m not exactly in the first flush of youth and therefore a game of rugby or football is not on the agenda, nor has it been for a few years – I think if I tried that other bits of my body would give out way before the implant – for me it is more to do with the practicalities and enjoying what I can do.

I had always enjoyed hiking and prior to and after my prostate surgery as well as doing pelvic floor exercises I used walking in an attempt to tone-up my pelvic floor muscles, which in my opinion helped with any incontinence I may have had (I was lucky in that respect, 3 weeks after prostate surgery I was dry) and gave me control. 

Before and since the implant surgery:

I walk/ed daily (couple of miles or so) and time allowing I go for a longer walk/hike of 6-9 miles at some point most weeks.

I swim regularly – although it does depend on the water temperature how comfortable I feel, it’s nothing painful and a warm shower soon gets everything supple again.

I can still use a bike and cycle occasionally.  Cycling was more uncomfortable after the prostate surgery than it ever has been since my implant.

I don’t go to the gym (never did) but in everyday life I can lift and carry weight just as I could prior to the surgery (I did wait quite a few months before I even attempted anything heavy though).

In fact 6 months after my implant I don’t think that there is anything I am unable to do that I did not do prior to surgery.

There are just two things that have changed and neither is to do with exercise:-

  1. I always wore loose boxer shorts but since my implant I find it more comfortable to wear the tighter fitting boxers because they give me that bit of support but are not as constricting as briefs, which I found to be too tight and quite uncomfortable.  If you are at that stage try different types and styles, I tried so many before I found comfort but it was well worth the effort.
On a really positive note :- 

  1. I did have to change the car from a sporty convertible to a 4x4 J.  Sitting in the bucket seats of the car it felt as if the pump in my scrotum was being pulled upwards and although not painful was a tad uncomfortable, especially during longer journeys.  The upright position of the 4x4 is much more comfortable and before you say it – it’s got nothing to do with “big boy’s toys”!! Much J
As always any comments or questions, just give me a shout via the link on the right.

Cheers for now

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