Monday, 21 December 2015

Photo Update & Happy Christmas

I have added an additional picture to my previous two year update post taken from a different angle.

But most of all I wanted to wish everyone


Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Happy 2016.


Friday, 4 December 2015

Picture Angles

It has been mentioned that in my last post there appears to be little difference between the two pictures.

The second picture is after 10 squeezes of the bulb and not fully inflated.  Fully inflated there is a marked difference.

When I am standing it is at 3 o'clock, laying down it is still at 3 o'clock i.e. straight-up.

Once I can figure out how to keep my socks out of the picture [grin] I will post another from a better angle.


Saturday, 21 November 2015

Top 10 Questions

Top 10 questions I get asked - they are in more or less the same order each time.

1.       Is it painful
2.       Will I be the same size
3.       Were you worried about Infection
4.       Have you got a floppy head
5.       How long until I am back to normal
6.       Does it look/feel real
7.       Will new partners notice
8.       How easy is it to inflate/deflate
9.       Will I have the same feeling
10.   Will I still be able to orgasm

For me prior to surgery

More than anything I wanted to speak/meet someone who had actually got an implant.  The doctors told me the technical side and I saw and felt an implant.  What I wanted to know was how it would feel inside me, how my penis would feel and look with an implant.  I had been told by the doctor that once done there was no going back and although I knew I wanted and needed it done the lack of physical knowledge added to my anxiety.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Picture Update

I have not posted any pictures for quite a while so thought I would let you see how it looks at 
two years.

After 10 pumps

Fully Inflated - Different Angle

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Questions & Answers

My response to a follower who is at about Day 25 post surgery

Sounds like you are heading in the right direction and even better that you have managed to get off the painkillers.

Inflating can be difficult to start. In my case even though outwardly most of my swelling had gone I know that inside my scrotum was still swollen making especially the deflate button difficult to operate.  Once the swelling has gone completely it becomes so much easier.

I am sure the length will return. With me it took some time for the shaft tissue to relax properly - and it will. Even now on a cold day fully inflated can be feel/be different from when I am warm.  It is definitely a case of learning the best technique for you.  I normally inflate mine first thing in the morning just after I wake up.  Warm and in bed the tissue is much more supple and I believe that because of that I get the best stretch.

I expect you have driven by now.  For me it wasn't the discomfort of physically driving so much as the shape of the drivers seat which with the car I had seemed to push my scrotum upwards.  Again as time goes on technique makes it easier.

As you say visually you would never know there was anything different.  Again as time goes on it will feel more and more natural.  There is no getting away from the fact that you have what feels like and extra testicle in there (I’ve used it to my advantage) it definitely adds to an opening conversation and you can guarantee they wont have heard that line before 😊

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Blogging on the move

Finally l have managed to figure out posting via my phone.

While l am out and about l see things relevant to my take on having an implant.

Now as l see it l can blog about it.

Get ready for all sorts....


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Technique two years on

Two years ago I was writing that I was unable to find the pump among the “mush” inside my scrotum let alone squeeze it hard enough to get anything like an erection.  Then I managed to inflate it only to find that I could not locate the deflate button.  

Over the last two years my technique has improved beyond all measure to the extent that I am now able to have a pretty much spontaneous erection whenever and wherever I wish – giving me I would have thought what most men dream about - or was it just me!!

Anyway to continue.

A couple of other discoveries I wanted to share - the initial size of my erection most definitely depends on how warm I am.  I assume the cold affects how supple the implant tubes are.  Warm I can with 40 or so squeezes inflate easily and quickly to a full erection.  I can also after a couple of minutes squeeze a couple more times and inflate a bit more.  Cooler there are a couple of slight changes. 15-20 inflation squeezes and the bulb becomes hard and I cannot squeeze it any further – don’t get me wrong, my penis is hard, just that initially it is slightly smaller than when warm.  The difference here I assume is that the first inflation puts body temperature saline into the implant, as it enters it warms up the tubes again making them supple meaning I can continue to inflate fully.  Either way I end up with the same result.

I always try to deflate fully however I still occasionally get slight spontaneous inflations during the day, why I don’t know but pushing the deflate button and a squeeze of the shaft deflates me again. 

I have also noticed in the last year or so that without any sort of spontaneous inflation of the implant I get on a regular basis what I can only describe as a semi, no reason for it, it just happens.  The button and a squeeze does nothing meaning it is not the same as the other daytime inflations I get.  They come and go as they please.  Whatever the cause I am not complaining.  Perhaps my body is returning to its old self – admittedly it closer to my old self at 16 rather than 50 but my old self just the same.


Saturday, 12 September 2015

Seamless Underwear

Found these on ebay

Keeps everything in place without being too tight and no seams.


Thursday, 10 September 2015

Update and Seamless Underwear

I have not posted for a few weeks so thought I would give you a quick update.

A couple of things:-

It is starting to get a bit cooler here and although nothing like the winter temperatures to come I am beginning to feel the changes in my implant that cooler temperatures bring.  Like I have said before the effect of cold is not too different from how it was pre-implant in as much as everything - shaft and scrotum - becomes tighter. There is no pain just a different feel.  When deflated the implant within becomes firmer the cooler it and I am however once inflated with body temperature saline the suppleness returns.

The other thing and more importantly for me - I have found some "seam free" underwear.

The end of my penis and foreskin can at times become sore.  I am not convinced it is anything to do with my implant but more due to where the end of my penis sits now, which is right on the seam of other underwear I have worn.  The normal design I presume is to keep everything in place.  These still do that but without in my case the rubbing that I have with every other type of underwear I have tried.

No seam = less rubbing = less soreness!!

Next post, a link and and underwear fashion show...


Sunday, 9 August 2015

I hope i'm not confusing you!

I was about to write the second instalment from my prostate cancer journal and realised just how confusing moving between surgeries might become.

Before I put anything else from that part of my journey here I am going to give it some thought – see if I can make it a bit easier to follow.


Sunday, 2 August 2015


Here are a couple of questions asked via the Contact Form

Was your treatment available on the NHS or did you have to pay for it?

My implant surgery was done through the UK NHS.  As you have read in my blog I did go through every other form of treatment first - every pill available, Vacuum Pumps, MUSE and Caverject injections.  The pills did nothing except give me a headache, MUSE was painful, the pump did help with penile health and the injections gave me a good erection but I developed a bit of a bend - none of them were spontaneous or that comfortable though.  Once I had tried everything I started looking at the implant as a last resort and was told because I had tried everything else there was no problem with NHS funding.
Is your erection solid enough for penetrative sex and what degree of satisfaction can you achieve?

I was offered a choice of surgeons and implants and styles.  I chose the AMS LGX700
(I only ever saw and felt 3 different demo models in the doctor’s office) because deflated it felt soft (the same as was normal for me) and inflated it expanded in both length and girth.  The erection I get is definitely hard enough for penetrative sex, in fact I can inflate to be as hard as I want for as long as I want.

For the first 3 months or so after implant surgery parts of the shaft of my penis felt a bit numb - it did not make any difference to my ability to orgasm though.  Now 2 years later I am almost back to my pre prostate surgery size, my sex life is great, the implant is part of me and best of all my penis fits my body again.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


My implant is 2 years old today.

Happy Birthday to my AMS LGX 700 and may there be many more!!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Going back a few years

As you already know my way of dealing with and getting though this journey I have been on is to write things down.  Once it’s on paper, it’s out of my head.

Along with letting you know how I’m doing with my implant I thought I would give you an idea of what got me to this point.

I started writing it a couple of days after I came out of hospital but it begins the morning after my Open Radical Prostatectomy:-

I woke up after surgery (Monday early evening I think) felt OK – no pain, it must be the morphine, I had been told all I have to do is click a button and I get another hit and I MIGHT ADD it’s some good stuff!  I had a quick look and feel and although I couldn’t see much but I could see and feel that most iThe other day I found the hand written book I wrote around the time of my prostate surgery.  Difficult to read now but it does show me how far I have come.

mportantly my penis and testicles were still there (don’t ask – my head was all over the place) the plaster covering where I had the surgery went from my naval to where my penis meets my stomach – in my case that’s going to be some scar.

(I don’t know if I have ever mentioned what criteria I used to choose the surgeon/surgery route that I did.  Apart from the surgeon being the first person I spoke to and the fact that I wanted the cancer gone out of my body as soon as possible – it was his long fingers – I figured with fingers like that he could get to everywhere he needed to easily - I’m a very simple man).

At this point I should also mention that long fingers might make in my opinion a good surgeon they do not however make a good barber!!  Whoever shaved me prior to surgery was rubbish I seemed to have been left with a reverse Mohican. Then there was the catheter tube and by tube I mean hosepipe. How that went down the end of my willy I don’t know all I did know then was that it was big and it was going to be in there for a few weeks so I better get used to it.

Desperate to get home I was up and about on the Tuesday and off the morphine later the same day (one tube down).  I also had a visit from the surgeon who told me that the surgery had gone well and that the cancer appeared to have been contained within my prostate (though the cancer was bigger than they had thought – over half of my prostate had signs of cancer) but he was sure it had not spread to my lymph nodes either.  At the time I did not realise the significance of that comment – I do now though – contained and no spread was/is good.

The worst part of being in hospital was having the catheter bag emptied (apologies I hope you’re not reading this over breakfast, lunch etc.). It was emptied often day and night and the feeling was the strangest ever.  Nerves appeared to be jangling all over the place anyway and the slightest movement of the tube sent the oddest sensations down my willy, to my scrotum and to where I imagine my prostate had been.

Never told the nurses but who needs sex – just tweak my tube!!

I was in hospital for a total of 3 full days.  Everything I was told to do I did and I went home on the Wednesday.

One last thing before I let you get on:-


More soon.


Saturday, 4 July 2015

2nd anniversary

My AMS LGX700 implant is almost 2!!!

I had my annual check at UCLH last Thursday and all is good and there are no sign of any erosion, infection or any other problems. The tips are in the perfect place and the pump is where it has always been making inflating and deflating easy (never thought I would say that).

It's all good.

Because my life is pretty busy I have got into a routine that works for me.  I wake early anyway and more or less as soon as I open my eyes while I am warm I inflate to the max.  It takes me about 30 squeezes of the bulb to inflate fully and even now I can still feel it stretch.  I leave it inflated while I get ready - about an hour or so then deflate, have a shower and I'm done.

When I inflated initially it took 10 squeezes and when I pushed the deflate button it buzzed for a count of 7 before I squeezed the shaft to deflate fully.  Now it is a count of 13 before I squeeze - just goes to show.

The doctor said that the tissue of my penis is still changing to accommodate my implant and that there is still potential for growth.

Happy days.


Monday, 25 May 2015

Repeating myself and an update

Apologies in advance if spelling etc is a bit off - new contact lenses - varifocal!! - who'd have thought it.

I have just read my Blog from the start and realised I have already written about how it feels to have my implant sometime ago so l wont bore you with the details again, l will just give an update.

I cannot feel the pump at all now and considering initially I could not see how something the size of a lego brick with a bulb on the top could ever be comfortable l am amazed. When I squeeze the bulb to inflate there is no discomfort at all, let alone pain. The pump bulb does not slip anymore when I inflate, I think that may be due to my improved technique though. Simply by looking at my scrotum you would not be able to tell there was anything other than what nature gave me in there.

Flaccid the shaft feels pretty much like it always did, a bit firmer but basically the same as ever. The tips at the head of the shaft are different and although again they cannot generally be seen or felt in everyday life they do feel different when touched.

Inflated, again much the same as before, the tips I can feel and the shaft if I inflate to the max I can feel is very hard. The girth is initially greatest at the base but I do get blood flow into the shaft and head now and as I get aroused the girth evens out through the entire shaft.

The actual inflation and stretching I can feel and in it's own way it is a nice feeling, different I admit but considering it is a mechanical process still quite sensual.

Downside - in my case there are two and neither are too much of a problem and will not necessarily apply to you:-

  • As you have seen from the numerous pictures I am not circumcised and since the implant my foreskin can occasionally get a bit tight - E45 type cream sorts it.
  • Loose boxers!! - as nice as it is swinging in the breeze (even being able to swing is a novelty) the extra weight means aching after a while,  Supportive underwear is good and I have tried many over the last year or so.  Fashion advice now huh!! Perhaps an idea for a future post.

I did say in my last post I would measure it. Well here they are as of about 5 minutes ago...

Flaccid - length 12cm, girth 10.8cm

Hard - length 15.9cm, girth 14cm

As you know I lost some length due to the initial prostate surgery and I am definitely not complaining. The girth is better than it was before and the length is only about 2cms less.

No more measuring now, this is me, my penis fits my body, it's comfortable, it's there when I want it and best of all when I look down I can see it!!

Given the situation, who could ask for more.

All the best till next time.


Sunday, 26 April 2015

A beer or 3 and a few questions

I met up with some mates yesterday for a few beers.  John who I have known for years, in fact since school and a couple of others that we both knew through work.  John I see often, we live close to each other and like the same stuff and the same pubs.  The other two I hadn't seen for a few years.

John knows all about my prostate cancer and is the person I have spoken to most especially while the prostate cancer was going on.  He knows about my implant as well but for some reason we have never really chatted about it.

Anyway one beer led to another and another. There was lots of banter, chatting and just having a laugh.  We are all in our 50's and all pretty health conscious - apart from the occasional beer of course.  Not sure how or why but talk got round to peeing, beer and getting up at night (as you do) and I mentioned that I had had prostate cancer and seemed to be able to control peeing during the night no matter how many I'd had.  It seems that "men united" from Prostate Cancer UK is working.  They had heard of prostate cancer and were interested in what had happened to me and how I was now.

I didn't go into too many details about the prostate surgery but eventually it got round to side effects and, as it seems to when men and beer mix - sex.  So I told them about my implant! Once we got past the "holding the junk" and "crossing the legs" and "I'd never let anyone near my dick with a knife" we had a good chat about it.  Turns out we had all had occasional problems getting it up but never talked about it and they like me to start apart from Viagra had no idea what to do about it.

They do now!!

There was no embarrassment and only a small amount of piss taking (on their part) but the questions eventually were the same:-




So you guessed it, ready for my next post I will:-

Attempt to put into words exactly what it feels like to have an implant in my body and I'll measure it!

As always questions for future posts are always welcome so anything on your mind just ask away and I will answer it here (or privately if you prefer).

All the best


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Top Tips

I'm not sure if life has sorted itself or I have sorted it, either way I have some time to myself again and thought I would get back to spending some of it on here.  Over the next couple of posts I'll update you on whats been going on with me so watch this space.

I would also like to try and compile a list of tips, tricks and links - mine and yours.  So send any you have over to me using the contact form widget and I will post them on here. 

Because my blog is all about my implant journey it makes sense for them to relate.  They can be pre or post implant and can be anything that you have found works for you.

Most of mine are contained within my blog already but as you know from past posts I'm still learning and will add to the list as I come across anything I think might help you ......

Cheers for now.


Tuesday, 17 March 2015


The more I try to get organised the more busy I get!! So while I am sat at the computer I am going to give you all an update on my Implant.....

In short - it's great and is so much part of me that I don't even know it's there - until of course I want to inflate it.  Any pain is a dim and distant memory and being able to have an almost spontaneous erection is fantastic.

I do still try to inflate fully most days and I am pretty sure I have now got the best length and girth I am going to get.  I gave up measuring a few months ago but will let you know next post what size I have achieved.

Even from these few short lines you can tell I am happy with my implant and 18 months after having it done I can still honestly say that for me, in my situation an implant was the best way to go.