Saturday 3 August 2013

Day 8

Well everything seems to be going well as far as I can tell. 

No problems with the actual implant although it does still keep partly auto-inflating every time I move.

 The pain and bruising is changing daily.  Today it feels more like nerve pain than anything else.  When I’m sat down and relaxed it’s not too bad at all.  I’m still taking pain killers about every 8 hours and I have started up the anti-inflammatory medication again. I think I stopped taking them far too early.  The shaft is almost back to its normal colour and my scrotum although still bruised is much lighter.


I still haven’t gone anywhere near the pump (as instructed by the doctor) but as far as I can tell the swelling has virtually gone (I think the incision looks a bit like a grimace though).  I hope that means that the doctor will be able to “cycle” it OK come next Wednesday. 


One of my initial worries after talking to the first surgeon was ending up with a floppy head.  The surgeon who did this (decided against the first one) was 95% certain he could prevent that happening, part of the reason I went to him.  The head feels good and I can tell that the implant goes right in – relief all round.

Apologies for the picture quality – new camera but I hope it gives you a good idea of my progress.

Not too much else to today.  Till next time…

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