Sunday, 22 December 2013

21 Weeks - Post Surgery

I’m 21 weeks and a couple of days post surgery and it would seem all is still going well.  As you have already seen in the previous pictures I look pretty normal and even better I and my penis feel normal.  My flaccid size is definitely changing for the better - 13cm length and 12cm girth.  I’ve been swimming and to the gym without any problems at all, and best of all embarrassment in the showers is a thing of the past.

I am still inflating everyday and as of about a minute ago, inflated I measure 14.5cm length (easier to breakdown in metric) and 14cm girth.  My length seems to be increasing steadily but slowly, the girth is staying much the same but I defiantly won’t be complaining, I am more than happy with a 14cm (5” girth).  I have checked the AMS website it would seem that the implant diameter is what it is. If I can steadily add to the length over the coming months/years that’ll do for me.

The cold weather is fine now and as long as I keep it nice and snug and warm as described on previous posts its ok and I am not even aware of the implant again.  The incision has healed completely and the scar tissue surrounding it has all but gone meaning inflating and finding the deflate button is a doddle.

I’ve still not managed to shoot a video of the inflate/deflate but I’ll keep at it and one of these days I will get it posted.

Another top-tip!!!
Anyone heard of a “wheaty”?  It’s a long-ish material tube filled with I presume wheat, that you warm in the microwave (it’s for putting round your neck to ease stiffness).  Well it’s perfect for keeping my penis warm (and aiding stiffness <grin>) when I’m inflating for exercise.  Even better because the tissue is warm it is easier to inflate and hopefully stretch …… I wont post a picture because my “wheaty” is pink with multi-coloured spots (it’s all they had) !!!

Till next time
Wishing you all a Happy Christmas & New Year


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Almost 5 Months - update

I have just worked it out and it’s almost 5 months since I had my surgery – time does go by so quickly.

Although in that time my implant has certainly become part of me and most of the time I would never know that I have it, now and then as it’s got colder it certainly on occasions lets its presence be felt in no uncertain terms.  Like before when it’s cold the tissue tightens, except now it tightens around two quite firm rods and a Lego brick with a bulb at the side!!!  There is no shrinkage anymore and it’s not painful but when it gets cold boy do I know it’s there.

The heated pads that I made such a fuss about were good while they lasted.  It stated on the box that they would be good for 100 activations - well they might have been, but not in my case.  One I could only get to heat-up twice. The other, and this is a bit of a cautionary tale, I boiled dry trying to return it to it’s liquid state and it exploded – smoke everywhere, alarms sounding - goes to show you should never leave something like that alone – lesson learnt!!!

What I have been using that helps in keeping everything snug and warm and is so much safer are the incontinence pads that I used just after surgery.  They have made a big difference to my comfort on cold days and are so much easier to use and keep in place – no more socks needed <grin>.

Everything seems to be going ok with inflation and deflation although when I inflate there is not always a definite “pop” of the bulb to start with as there was.  When it happens squeezing the bulb can be quite an effort, although I am still able to inflate properly to the full.  I will however mention it to the doctor next time I visit could be something he needs to be aware of or it could just be that is the way it becomes over time.  Anyone else having a similar thing happen to them?

I had not measured for a while thinking that by sight nothing much had changed, although it has felt slightly firmer over the last week or so. Knowing I was going to post today I measured last night and as you can see I have gained approx ½” in length when I am fully inflated.

Completely Deflated

Three Pumps

Fully Inflated - 1/2" gain

I came across this post by another implantee: - although having checked the AMS website I have been unable to verify the statement.

“An AMS LGX700 will expand 15-20% in length, but not beyond what you normally are.

It can take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years

½” in 3 months, ¾” at 1 year and almost 1” in 18 months

Some men were having expansion up to 3 years

Length gain was up to 1 ¼” in 3 years”

We shall see!!!!
Till next time
Cheers for now

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Keeping Out the cold !!

Last time I wrote I mentioned the cold and how it was causing some discomfort especially while I was walking to work.  Although not all of it comes from the cold - some comes from me still inflating to the max and some from the cold.  Well with a bit of experimenting I hope I have found a solution and, while it has not exactly been a scientific survey I have come up with something that works for me.

Firstly I bought a couple of pairs of base level shorts, the type you wear under your outer clothes to act as an  insulation layer when playing sport.  Although they did work to a certain degree and did and do keep me warm my implant and in turn my penis were still becoming cold and quite stiff and in turn painful.  I also tried a thicker thermal layer, again it worked ok but I was still having a similar level of discomfort.

The answer, in conjunction with the additional layer was re-usable Heated Pads.  They are normally placed inside gloves to keep your hands warm. Who would have thought they would work for this as well. 


When activated they turn into a warm soft gel pad that I put inside a sports sock, place inside my underwear and I’m set to go.  The ones I purchased come in pairs (as you would expect) and should last for approx 100 activations, as I only need to use one at a time they should keep me comfortable until it gets a bit warmer.  Provided I put the gel pad in as soon as it’s activated it moulds to my shape and once I am dressed no one would ever know.

Let’s just pray I never get hit by a bus!!

One last thing for this entry, my implant does seem to be settling in a bit more now so next time I will post a couple of updated flaccid and inflated photos.  Hopefully you too can see the difference.

Cheers for now



Friday, 15 November 2013

Cold Weather - Ouch!!!

Today is the first cold day of the year and the reaction of my penis to walking in cold weather has been to say the least a bit sore/uncomfortable. It's not agony by any means but I do need to find a way of keeping that area warmer.  Walking 3 miles or so to work this morning was not a pleasant experience.

I think thermals would help and somewhere in the back of my mind I seem to remember warming pads for gloves, perhaps they may help as well if I can find them.

Watch this space because I can feel a bit of experimenting coming on.

Cheers for now

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Week 15

I have still not managed to figure out video!!!  I will keep trying though and as soon as I can I will post an inflation and deflation video.  I have however finally managed to get a couple of pictures that show the placement of the pump.  Hope they help to make things more clear especially for anyone thinking about having a similar procedure wondering about where it went.

Pump Placement

Pump Placement

Reading back over the blog and looking at the pictures I cannot believe how far I have come in 15 short weeks.   Physically the difference is obvious (well it is to me and hopefully to you too). 

Day 7 Approx

Week 15 ish

I also feel so much better mentally.  Taking Viagra or one of the other pills I had been prescribed, putting a pellet inside my penis or injecting my shaft were not ideal for me or for sex (brilliant solution for others though) and had become a chore - to the point of my not being too bothered whether I ever had another erection.

Despite being told by a few people close to me that I had changed I did not realise quite what a difference there had been in my personality.  Now that has all changed again and compared to how I had become the difference is immense.  I fact I am more or less back to my grumpy old self again <grin>.  I do know that just being able to get an erection is not the be all and end all and while my erection is not quite as it was it has gone a long way to making me feel so much better about myself in general.  I do still have annual PSA checks for the Prostate Cancer.  That can be a bit worrying, but fingers crossed my PSA will stay undetectable and it’s onwards and upwards (so to speak).

I am still inflating to the max daily and can feel differences, admittedly they are very now very small but they are differences in both girth and length. The blood-flow to the head and outer shaft of my penis has returned, increasing my aroused size and making any slight floppy head a thing of the past. 

One other small bonus - I went swimming yesterday and in the showers mine looked pretty much like everyone else’s (apart from mine not reacting to the cold water of the pool).  I just knew there had to be more than one benefit to this implant!!!!

Cheers for now


Saturday, 2 November 2013

Week 14 ish

What did I say about “getting techy”?  As you might have guessed I haven’t figured it out yet, hence no video but I will keep trying and as soon as I have mastered it you’ll be the first to see.

I am still pumping to the max every day to stretch the tissue and in turn allow the implant to inflate fully and it does seem to be working.  Erect there is a slight difference in length and girth but the main difference is in the flaccid size.  I am also surprised at the difference between the implanted flaccid and erect size generally.  I was always more of shower than a grower and even now nothing has changed.

Flaccid before surgery
Flaccid approx Week 8

Flaccid today Week 14

There does not seem to be any further movement of the implant, perhaps I was concerned for no reason.  However where I am inflating and deflating fully everyday there is some soreness.  My scrotum is tender, especially where it meets the shaft which is also tender as is the head although none of it is too bad and it disappears within an hour or so.

Somebody has told me about Bio-Oil (apparently ladies have known about it for years) anyway a few drops smoothed into the skin of my shaft and scrotum makes all the difference and it is definitely making inflating fully and stretching much easier.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Week 13 - Update

Well the visit to the hospital on the 24th October went ok. 

After plenty of squeezing, bending and pulling the doctors didn’t seem overly concerned (very strange laying there in all your glory with two doctors squeezing and discussing my willy).
Anyway, there does not seem to be too much to worry about at the moment, although one tip from the implant does seem to be a bit close to the surface – the one I was worried about.  I have been told to keep an eye out for any redness on the surface which could mean that I am getting erosion.  Other than that continue inflating to stretch the tissue which I am doing and I will see them again in three months

No pain or discomfort at all now and after the way the doctors pulled it around I am not quite so scared of it (fancy being scared of your own penis).  I think the key now is to get the implant embedded into the head properly and the only way I can see to do that is to manipulate the implant a bit as I inflate.

I am going to try and get a bit techy and do a short video of the inflation/deflation process.  Could be ok or a complete disaster – Watch this space.

Cheers for now

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Week 12 (time goes by so quickly)

Not too much happening at the moment.  Apart from being pleased with my implant.  I know it’s not for everyone but having tried everything else available I know that it was the right route for me.

I have my appointment on the 24th October to discuss my slight concerns about any change in the placement of my implant.  I have to admit apart from being able to feel the tips quite close to the surface at the back of the shaft everything else feels good, no red marks or soreness, perhaps I am just being over cautious.

I have noticed that the cooler weather is having quite an impact, although I am larger than I was cold still has the same effect it ever did of tightening everything and it can be quite uncomfortable – warm baths help – showers just don’t seem to do it.  The bath is also beneficial both with inflation and the general feel of the implant throughout the day and night for that matter.  Even when I am fully deflated I am still aware most of the time that I have an implant.  My flaccid state although apart from size is similar in looks defiantly feels firmer than it ever did before surgery.

I am discovering new things all the time and although I have previously said the implant is becoming part of me - it is a new part of my body different in size and weight and it takes time to get used to it.

The bump the tip is just by my thumb

Again the tip is just below the head

Hopefully you can see where the tips of the implant are placed now (not any easy picture to get), much further down and not really supporting the head.  Perhaps that is where they are meant to be now that the swelling has gone and all is good and it’s just me. I will see what the doctor says on the 24th and go from there. 

I know that physically I have changed and I now have the ability to do almost everything sexually I could prior to surgery.  Mentally I can feel changes as well. I am not one of life’s deep thinkers and I know that this may sound odd to some but I feel masculine again and because I feel better about myself the anger I felt towards having Prostate Cancer is going.  When I can figure it out I will write more on that side of the journey.

At the moment the one thing I do know is that having got this far I want it to be right and I want to be 100% happy with the result and if that means a revision or a slight adjustment so be it. We shall see!!!

Cheers for now

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Back to reality

It's now 11 weeks since I had my surgery and I wanted to give you an update on progress so far.

Had a bit of a panic the day before I was due to go away on holiday.  Now that all of te swelling has gone I can now really feel the tips below the head of my penis (to me they feel as if they are just below the surface). I had not really noticed any changes but for some reason they do seem to have moved from where they were originally - from central and well into the head of my penis they have moved right to the back of the shaft and the tips now finish near to the base of the head, giving me the one thing I wanted to avoid - a floppy head!!

I did try to take a photo to show you but could not get a good shot so I will try again later.

Anyway I panicked, travelled 3 hours to see the consultant who seems to think that the the implant is in the ideal position.  He did say that the "floppy head" can be corrected by "a couple of stitches" - Hum mm not convinced about that one, we shall see!!

He has now arranged for me to go to the clinic on the 24 October to have a scan to see if there has been any erosion and to discuss the options (fingers crossed).

We had a brilliant holiday and as I said no problems at either airport.

Now back to reality and work!!!

Cheers for now.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

I'm Back

Just a quick post...

Back from my trip.  Little bit uncomfortable swimming in the sea and pool other than that all was fine.

Best thing - No problems at either airport!!!

Will update properly once I am sorted.


Saturday, 28 September 2013

Advice Anyone ??

Copy of my post to
Great  site with many knowledgeable people on the subject of Erectile Disfunction.
I have had my LGX 700 for 10 weeks now. Everything is going really well except I have a problem with auto-inflation. I have seen a couple of post on the subject here and tried various methods but just wanted to check if there was a technique I was missing.

Any help or advice gratefully received.
Diagnosed at 49 with PC - Biopsy Gleason 3+4=7
Radical Prostatectomy 14/07/08 - PSA now undetectable
ED since op
Implanted with AMS 700LGX - 26/07/13 @ UCLH London

Thursday, 26 September 2013

It's 2 Months old today!!!!

I just noticed - I had my surgery on the 26 July 2013 and now it’s the 26 September 2013. I am so confused working out the weeks I think I might give up on that now and just give you regular updates on progress etc.

One thing I was not expecting.  As it’s getting colder it can get a bit uncomfortable.  Since surgery there seems to be more sensitivity to both heat and cold and although in the heat it looks pretty damned impresive in the cold it's a different matter.  Although it no longer shrivels in the cold like it used to it does get tighter though I suppose it’s no more uncomfortable than it was before on a cold day.

Incision Healed - No red marks
Slight bend still but I'm not too bothered
I did call the nurse yesterday because I have noticed that although the tips are placed well into the head of my penis they now appear to be quite far back.  She said they may well have been there all the time as as everything settles and the swelling subsides I am noticing more.  All she said was to keep an eye out for any redness or soreness because that could mean erosion - and we don’t want that.  But there is nothing so far. I will keep my fingers crossed. 
She also said I could telephone or see her anytime if I was worried (as far as I am concerned it’s a brilliant NHS we have here in the UK) about anything.

I can't see or measure anymore changes in size (length or girth).  I could be wrong and although I might wish for a bigger willy I do believe that your penis is what it is and I wont see very much more growth.  Inflating and deflating is so easy now, in fact it has become second nature and I am just enjoying my new toy.

See you when I get back after my holiday.


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Week 9

I am glad that so many people are interested in my Blog and it is even more heart warming to find that my story and the information I can give may help other men and couples with their decisions.  As is obvious it is not in any form a medical site just my experiences of having a Penile Implant following Prostate Cancer Surgery and in turn Erectile Disfunction.

Anyway back to the present…

I hardly notice my implant now and believe me during the first few weeks I never thought I would say that but it is true, it is slowly becoming part of me.  I am still learning about this amazing new part of my body as I am sure that I will continue to do, as always I’ll keep you updated.

I am still inflating everyday in my endeavour to get the best from what I have been given.  I am sure that it will be aesthetically better and my ability to use it will improve.  There is no discomfort at all now either when I inflate or deflate and apart from the implant still self inflating slightly (even then it’s just a case of a slight adjustment) I could not be happier.

I have had a go at taking a photo to show the pump placement (not an easy task I might add) and the only place I could think of was in the bath so apologies for that.  Promise I’m not trying to win a wet Willy contest <grin>.  Let me know if it helps, if not I will make another attempt.

The pump is the slight bump between the boys.
I can see it because I know it's there.
Can you??

Flying off for a bit of sunshine next week so I’ll let you know how I get on at the airport when I get back. It could be fun…..


All the best


Saturday, 21 September 2013

Just Testing

Quick post via my mobile to see if it works ok.


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

End of Week 8

Well it's nearly the end of Week 8

Not too much is happening now. 

I am inflating my Implant once a day mainly because someone mentioned on another site that it helps to break up and stop scar tissue forming, makes sense I suppose.  To me it's just fantastic to be able to have an erection whenever I want but it does also stretch everything and get the tips into the head I suppose.

All of the things I was worried about are gone.  The incision has healed as you have seen.  There is no pain at all now apart from a bit of numbness in places.

In fact I have just taken this picture now to show you how normal it looks.  Not sure if you want to see (I'll do it anyway though) but if I can figure out how I will get one of my scrotum showing how the pump is placed (easier said than done so far).

Back to Normal - if not better!!

Anyway it was just a quick update.

Be back in a couple of days.

Cheers for now

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Remember a few posts ago I mentioned a quick trim and waxing.....


NO MORE WAXING for a while.  We are far to sensitive!!!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

It’s week 8 proper and looking back I seem to have become obsessed with showing you my inflated penis so I thought I would do stage-by-stage pictures for those of you not sure about the differences that I have been able to get from my AMS LGX700 Implant.

Semi - 4 pumps
What do you think
good huh!!
Apart from a slight scar on my scrotum and if you really got close enough a third testicle I don’t think anyone could tell I even had an implant.  Best of all at the moment, the upward bend is going!!

The things that concerned me prior to surgery, apart that is from the surgery itself, were:

  • Pain – Gone
  • Bruising - Gone
  • Lack of sensation – Not sure if the foreskin helps but its almost back
  • Loss of size – Although erect I’m not like I was. I am more than happy with the result so far.
  • Unable to inflate and deflate – No problem
Plus I’m having a bit of a clear out - Gone


Friday, 13 September 2013

Excited so a quick update

Just a quick update and comparison....

First measure a week or so ago

Second measure today!!!


First measure 5" more or less.

Second measure this morning 5.5" and I seem to be gaining a bit of length back.

An excited cheers


Thursday, 12 September 2013

End of Week 7

Just a quick update and some progress pictures.

I have just realised that my implant has been auto-inflating slightly (and I thought it just looked impressive).  I could not figure out why it was still a bit uncomfortable around the tips inside the head of my penis and tender along the shaft.  It was just from the auto-inflation.  From reading and a bit of research it seems that it is fairly common and should settle down as time goes on – there’s that word again – time.

After 6 Pumps - head gets engorged now

Different Angle - Fully inflated

Scar - GONE !!!

Top View - Fully Inflated

I can’t see any increase in length or girth at the moment but I am pleased with the results so far.  There is no need for any pain killers anymore. I’m walking 3 miles or so a day. Back to working fulltime and on the go all day.  Life as they say is “normal”


Never know it's been done - almost!!
I’ve not got to go back to see the Urology Nurse for 6 months now (March 2014) although she is going to call me in about 5 weeks to see how it’s going and has told me to get in touch if there is anything I am unsure about.

Trim and Wax booked for this weekend so I should look a bit tidier next time !!

I’m still going to update at least once a week so watch this space.

Anyone whose has a question or observation it would be great to hear from you.


Saturday, 7 September 2013

Week 7

Start of week 7 and touch wood so to speak (now I can ha ha) everything seems to be going well and I might add very quickly.  If I look back at the first pictures to now it is hard to believe that so little time has passed.  The body’s ability to repair itself is amazing

I am inflating and deflating without any problem now.  I’m leaving it inflated for a while (20 minutes or so) just to start letting everything stretch and for the tips to embed in the head properly.  There seems to be no pain at all although it is slightly sore after but only for an hour or so

5 Pumps

Another angle


And I am really pleased that the head is already starting to fill out a bit so I have high hopes that it will engorge fully when needed.


You’ll see from the photos that I have borrowed a tape measure to give you some accurate measurements. 

5" Girth - not bad for a couple of days
5" not 6" what was it about size and imagination!!


From my previous post as you can see I had already gained an inch from the actual!!! Typical man huh!!!!

Cheers for now

Friday, 6 September 2013

Week 6

I don’t know why I made such a fuss over the inflate, deflate saga. It’s a doddle…

Today is the third day of going it alone and it is so much easier than I thought it would be.  Now I know where everything is I am sure it will become second nature over time.

Inflating and deflating it has made it a bit tender but I think that is where the tissue etc is being stretched and the tips etc are moving into place.  In fact I can feel the tips of the implant really pushing into the head now and it looks like there has been some gain in girth although I know there has been some gain I can’t see any difference in length yet.

As you know I have the AMS 700LGX implant which expands in both girth and length so I am hopeful of some more gain as time goes on.

To give you a rough idea of the changes to my measurements

Prior to prostate surgery                                                    length approx 5" flaccid and 8"erect.

Post prostate surgery but prior to implant surgery                length approx 3" flaccid and 5" erect.

Post implant surgery                                                         length approx 4" flaccid and 6" erect

For some reason I never bothered to measure the girth – note to self, get a tape measure.

As you can see I seem to be heading in the right direction and as usual I will keep you posted with photos and measurements.

One last thing – I had my last appointment with the Urology Nurse the other day and that’s it now for 3 months. 
Now at 6 weeks post surgery I get to play with my new toy!!!!
Cheers for now


Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Week 6 - FINALLY

Only a quick update today.

Firstly, sorry it has taken so long to update you.  I'm back at work now and life has once again taken over.

FINALLY though - I have managed to inflate and deflate myself and to mark the occasion a couple of photos !!!!!!! from every angle I can think of <grin>

After 3 pumps

After 5 pumps

As inflated as I can get it first time

I will update you properly at the weekend...

Friday, 23 August 2013

Week 4 and I Still can’t find the deflate button!!!!!!!

Second visit to the nurse in London and I still cannot find that deflate button, at least not on my own.  It feels like it is enclosed in a lot of mush as does the whole pump mechanism and although I think I can occasionally find it, I cannot activate it at all.  The inflate is a bit easier, it’s much bigger obviously and although a slippery little thing I can with a bit of effort sort of inflate it some and I am sure that will become easier.  I think at the moment I spend so much time trying to find it that I make matters worse by causing a bit of swelling etc.

The nurse inflated and deflated without any problem and it was defiantly less painful than two weeks ago.  She has said not to worry, that I am still healing and although I cannot see it there is still some internal swelling.  As you can tell I am a somewhat impatient person.  Back to see her in 2 weeks.

On a positive note the pain and discomfort does seem to be going.  The wound is healed and the stitches have almost gone, maybe one/two left.  The wound is still tender and a bit sore and it does feel bulky however sitting is not problem at all now, driving is fine and I am back to walking 2/3 miles a day.  Yesterday I went into work and all was fine, dinner out on the way home and no problems. 

All in all I am getting there.  Once again it is time!!!

Cheers for now.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Day 24

I’ve included a couple of pictures today so that you can see how it’s going so far.
Not looking too bad now - brusing all gone

Hair growing back slowly
Still a slight bend but that should go over time

Stitches still not gone yet - grrr!!!

 Inflate progress is slow, although the inflate button is obvious now (especially when I am in the bath) I have still not managed to find that deflate button.  I was not given anything, key-ring or otherwise to give me any clues where it was either when I left hospital so I am trying to find it from looking at pictures.  I could be wrong but I have an idea that it may be behind the incision and as you know that is still to painful to touch.  Perhaps when I see the urology nurse in London on Wednesday she can shed some light on it, after all both the surgeon and the nurse have found it and used it in the past so it has to be there somewhere!!!

I am still experiencing some pain – more soreness than pain.  It’s similar to the feeling that I had when it was first cycled.  My penis is also occasionally numb, sometimes cold and is always very firm to touch.  From reading the experiences of others on Frank Talk it would seem that everyone recovers at a different rate and that hopefully all of this should change with time.  I do however have one particular spot that is really uncomfortable and it seems to be coming from the skin over one of the corners of the deflate block, right hand side to be precise.
The really sore bit is right under the fold
Still as they say “no pain, no gain!!!!!

Urology London Nurse - Wed 21 Aug

Meeting Contact from Blog - Sat 24 Aug

All the best


Friday, 16 August 2013

Week 3 - Day 22

Good news from the nurse - seems like the wound has dried up now and is healing.  Bad news – iodine burns!!! Or at least that’s what it looks like to me. I now have one red raw and very sore scrotum.

I am bathing now, whereas before I was just showering.  Bit of a soak later and I will feel much better.

In no particular order - things that have kept me going:-

Warm Baths
The odd beer or two
Sitting with my feet up
Being waited on

I’ll add to the list as appropriate <grin>

A bit more good news - from this blog I have had someone contact me who is also from the UK.  He has also had an implant and we are going to try and arrange a pint or two.  It will be so good to have someone else to chat to who has been through a similar experience.

Cheers for now


Thursday, 15 August 2013

Day 21

Well the plan to be more comfortable during the night never really worked.  I tried everything I could think of (including a sock over it).  The sock admittedly did work the best of all and did stop the pain of rubbing but because the implant still has a tendency to inflate slightly from time to time there is still a bit of discomfort.  Now however the hair is growing back and it seems to have mostly got past the stubble phase so with a couple of ibuprofen it’s back to a happy nights sleep.

I think I said earlier that the wound was not healing as quickly as I expected and to quote my local nurse “it was a bit moist”.  Her solution to dry the wound, an iodine soaked pad held in place with a wound dressing.  “Might sting a bit” she said.  Sting wasn’t the word for it, it was agony!!!!  I lasted two day and could not stand it anymore.  But to give her her due it does seems to have worked and although sore as far as I can tell does not seem to be “moist”.  I am back to see her later today. Let’s see what she says.

It would be good to get the wound sorted and for the stitches to dissolve – yes they are still there, but hopefully not for too much longer.  I am still a bit too wary to search for the deflate button, the inflate I can find and feel without any problem at all the deflate is a different matter.  The whole pump seems to be back quite a long way and quite deep so I’m still going to leave it alone. Don’t want to inflate and not be able to get it down again.

As far a size goes I am pretty happy.  After the pc surgery I did lose quite a bit of both flaccid and pumped erect length.  Although I haven’t bothered to measure it since surgery there is a big improvement in both flaccid length and girth.  My penis now seems to fit my body again which is what I wanted.  Erect length and girth is less but as with everything time will tell – eventually when I manage to inflate and deflate my self I’ll post a few pictures.

Overall I’m still pleased with how it’s going, although patience is not one of my strong points.  I did think I would be pain free by now but I am afraid that is not the case but it has only been 3 short weeks.  I am not back at work full-time yet but I am defiantly not sitting around (can’t afford to I have already put on 7 pounds in weight).  In fact we even managed a 4 mile walk two days ago albeit with a couple of breaks.
The appointment in London with the hospital nurse is the 21 August.

Cheers for now

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Day 17

Just a couple of pictures to show you my progress.

As you can see bruising is all but gone now as well as the external swelling (I think).  Now to find and get to grips with that pump…..


Pain during the day is more than bearable.  During the night it’s a different matter.  So we are off to the shops today to see if we can come up with some ingenious idea to make sleeping more comfortable.

Normally I sleep nude, always have.  Since surgery as suggested I have tried to support and keep everything in place which initially made it more comfortable.  However as the hair has started to grow back it is becoming increasingly painful to the point of keeping me awake most of the night.  Let me tell you stubble and on edge nerves do not mix!!! I know shaving might help but even though I like to keep everything trimmed I do not want the shaved look.

If we can formulate something that is comfortable I will take a couple of photos.  Watch this space!!!


Saturday, 10 August 2013

Day 16

All seems to be calm and moving along nicely so not too much to write.  I do have a dressing on the wound site at the moment because there is one spot which does not seem to want to heal.  Perhaps it is where the texture of the skin is different and there is naturally more movement.  Besides, the stitches have still not dissolved and I am sure they are still there for a reason.

There is some pain but again today it is different to yesterday and the day before, in fact it changes daily. There seems to be some shifting about of the pain and it is definitely worse at night (I tend to sleep on my stomach) and the pain wakes me.  Sometimes I get twinges in the head, sometimes in the shaft but strangely not in my scrotum.  One other thing I have noticed is that both my penis and scrotum seem to react to differences in temperature more than before, perhaps it’s the nerves changing and repairing, again time will tell.  One good thing this morning, the numbness I had in the shaft and on my stomach is going.

The thing that has become my best friend by far is a soak in the bath.  Everything loosens, the pain goes and its bliss, however I am still to locate and have a play with the pump and deflate when it is loose.  The wound not healing is making me a bit wary just in case I make matters worse so I might leave that for a few more days until it has healed some.

I am planning on going back to work on Monday, a few hours a day to start and see how it goes.

Back to see the nurse of pain on the 21 August for me to attempt to inflate and deflate.

Anyway I will write more with a few pictures way before then.

Cheers for now.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Day 14 - "Cycling"

Apart from being one of the most uncomfortable, no painful experiences of this whole process the visit to the nurse yesterday was pretty uneventful!!!

I’m not to sure what I expected but I will try and explain.

First off she checked I was ok and whether I had had any problems.  She had a check of the wound and said it was healing nicely – phew!  I was a bit unsure.

Now to the “cycling”.  First off she located the pump. I had done as I was told and not gone anywhere near it. So I was surprised at how much higher it was, sort of between, behind and above the boys, if that makes sense.  Anyway she located the pump and a few squeezes and a feeling like someone was stabbing me with a needle in my scrotum (pretty sure I swore at some point), I was hard.  She checked all was ok and said that I should get additional natural engorgement of the shaft and head with time.  I knew that I would never be the size I was prior to my Prostate Surgery but I have to admit to being very pleased with the result, both flaccid and erect.

The AMS Implant - Pump and Release Mechanism at the bottom of the image
Now to deflate.  She pushed further back into my scrotum, located the button and with the same needle in the scrotum feeling and a squeeze of the shaft it deflated.

She said there was still some swelling around the pump but I could have a go.  I eventually located the pump but couldn’t get enough grip to do too much, although I did manage to inflate it a bit.  By now the pain was becoming a bit too much and no matter how much I rummaged about I could not find the deflate button.

Bruising almost gone

External swelling almost gone


The nurse having deflated it for me suggested coming back in two weeks time - after all she said, 10 days was not very long - when the swelling had gone down some more.  In the meantime she said, while I was in the bath to see if I could locate the parts of the pump.


I hope the stabbing feeling goes, which I am sure with time it will, eventuallly.  Next time I am taking some pain killers before I go in!!!!!